The Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science at the University of Miami is the only subtropical applied and basic marine/atmospheric research institute of its kind in the continental United States. To meet the demand of current and future research needs and address unique environmental challenges, RSMAS needed to upgrade its existing buildings and associated facilities.
The design raises the first floor 15 feet of the ground to protect classrooms and laboratories from flooding. This allows for a ground level covered parking area, which reduces the area of surface parking. In the main atrium, a 38,000 gallon hurricane simulator tank is prominently located. Also included in the new 86,000 SF complex are 14 marine biology laboratories, lecture halls, classrooms and associated administrative spaces. The CAT-4 hurricane-resilient concrete building earned a LEED Gold Certification from the USGBC and is designed to withstand wind speeds up to 156mph. In 2015, the project earned ‘Best Project Award of Merit-Higher Education’ from Engineering News-Record Southeast.