The RIB U.S.COST Team is honored to have received the DFW International Airport’s Champions of Diversity Award at the DFW 2023 Success through Opportunities Access & Resources (SOAR) Conference! RIB U.S.COST strategically puts together innovative teams that not only promote diversity but broaden the skill set of the entire team. Led by CEO, Suzanne Moltzen, RIB U.S.COST has been dedicated to inclusion and diversity for many years.
We are pleased to have received an award that represents embracing diversity to its fullest potential and truly understanding to succeed in today’s competitive market, diversity must be reflected in every aspect of business relationships.
Teaming Partners – Program Controls Inc, Aguirre Project Resources LLC, Foster CM Group Inc

Accepting the Diversity Award Pictured Left to Right Robbie Thompson (Foster), Bill Grozdanich (DFW Airport), Patrick Pedigo (RIB U.S.COST), Ruthwik Pasunuru (PCI): Not Pictured - Charles Aguirre (APR)
Modest year-to-year Decrease in April

Photo by Joe Holland on Unsplash
Year-to-Year construction costs experienced a modest decrease in April as seen in the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) Chart below. However, Construction material prices (Inputs to Nonresidential Construction, Goods) increased month-to-month at a 0.42% rate from March 2023 to April 2023 (slightly exceeding the revised 0.4% rate from February 2023 to March 2023). The BLS PPI now reflects a year-to-year decrease in materials costs of 0.82% (slightly greater than the revised 0.71% decrease experienced in March). Labor costs continue to increase (but at a much-reduced pace) year-to-year and according to BLS data, total compensation costs for all employees in construction now stands at a 5.42% increase (up slightly from a 5.39% year-to-year increase last month). But Labor Costs for Non-Supervisory and Production Employees increased to 6.73% Year-to-Year (up from 6.62% last month). For a 52% Material to 48% Labor (all Employees) mix, the year-to-year overall escalation rate is now 2.17%, reflecting a decrease from the revised 2.22% last month. If we use only the nonsupervisory employee data, that Year-to-Year rate increases to 2.80%, virtually unchanged from the 2.81% rate last month.

Data Sourced from the Bureau of Labor Statistics Producer Price Index Commodity Data
Suzanne Molten, CEO

Suzanne Moltzen has been the CEO of RIB U.S.COST since 2015. She started in 1999 as CFO. A Purdue graduate with a Master of Science in Management and a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology, Suzanne brings a different and sometimes unique perspective to our mostly technically focused team. She finds great humor in the fact that her first day as CEO was on April Fool’s Day.
When asked what are the biggest challenges: “Client satisfaction comes first, and we have a great team dedicated to that. However, that sometimes comes at the cost of sacrificing that delicate work-life balance for our employees. How can we improve this, so it is a win-win for clients and employees?” In addition, “As a professional services company, we are our people. I am proud to say that we have a very diverse group of employees spread across the country, so trying to maintain a ‘RIB U.S.COST’ culture can be difficult, especially for those employees embedded at client sites. I want our employees to really feel that they are each an integral member of something great.”

Outside of work, Suzanne loves NFL football, reading outside, traveling, and lifting weights. She’s been married for 25 years and has three step-daughters and six grandchildren. She’s grateful that through work, she’s been able to visit China, Vietnam, Australia, UAE, and Germany. On personal vacations, “we spend a great deal of time in the Caribbean and Central America – any place warm and anytime outside of rainy season.”